Office of Council Services recruiting for full-time legislative analyst until May 26

For Immediate Release:

Press Release by:
Office of Council Services
Maui County Council

Office of Council Services recruiting for full-time legislative analyst until May 26

WAILUKU, Hawaiʻi (May 11, 2023)—The Office of Council Services is accepting applications until May 26 for a full-time legislative analyst to staff Maui County Council committees and conduct policy research, the office announced today.

Legislative analysts are appointed by resolution. As part of the office’s Research Section, they analyze and report to the nine councilmembers on legislative issues, staff public meetings and draft legislation, meeting agendas and correspondence.

Other duties include attending occasional evening and off-island meetings, setting up interactive-conference technology for online meetings and coordinating special events.

A bachelor’s or graduate degree and strong research, analytical and writing skills are required. The salary range is $47,919 to $100,996 annually, as established by the Maui County Code, depending on education and experience.

For more information on how to apply, call (808) 270-7838. The application and job listing are on the council’s website:

