This press release was distributed by Hawaiian Electric.
General announcements · Personnel
WE’RE HIRING: Hawaiian Language Communications Specialist
OFFICE OF COUNCIL SERVICES County of Maui CLOSING DATE: NOVEMBER 22, 2024 WE’RE HIRING: HAWAIIAN LANGUAGE COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST The Office of Council Services is recruiting for a full-time Hawaiian Language[…]
Request for Proposals: Economic Analysis and Impact Study of Phasing Out Transient Vacation Rental Use in Apartment-Zoned Districts (RFP 25-003OCS)
August 23, 2024: The Maui County Council seeks an economic analysis and impact study of a phase out of transient vacation rental use from apartment-zoned districts.
Request for Proposals: 25-002OCS Independent Audit of the Former Director of Finance Accounts
Amendment No. 1 Request for Proposals No. 25-002OCS Independent Audit of the Former Director of Finance Accounts to SPO HANDS site, dtd 08/12/24
Request for Proposals: West Maui road and public infrastructure master plan
July 18, 2024: The Maui County Council seeks the services of a qualified Contractor to complete a comprehensive West Maui road and public infrastructure master plan for the wildfire‐affected areas[…]
OFFICE OF COUNCIL SERVICES County of Maui CLOSING DATE: CONTINUOUS UNTIL NEED IS MET WE’RE HIRING: LEGISLATIVE ATTORNEY The Office of Council Services is recruiting for a full-time Legislative Attorney.[…]
Request for Proposals: RFP-24-005OCS Digital Imaging Services
May 20, 2024: This addendum is hereby made a part of RFP-24-005OCS and it shall amend said document by the Office of Council Services, County of Maui, providing responses to[…]
Request for Proposals (RFP): Digital Imaging Services
May 3, 2024: On behalf of the Maui County Council, the Office of Council Services (“OCS”) seeks to engage the services of a qualified Contractor for Digital Imaging Services.
WE’RE HIRING: Legislative Analyst
OFFICE OF COUNCIL SERVICES County of Maui CONTINUOUS UNTIL RECRUITMENT NEED IS MET WE’RE HIRING: LEGISLATIVE ANALYST The Office of Council Services is recruiting for a full-time Legislative Analyst. Who[…]