The Maui County Council will soon be meeting via videoconference on Microsoft Teams. Please see the information below to learn more.
Accessing the meeting via the Microsoft Teams link
To view or testify at meetings held on Microsoft Teams, you may do so via a web browser. Visit to find your desired meeting agenda. The link for the respective meeting will be posted at the top of the agenda. Clicking on the link or copying and pasting it into a browser will allow you to join the meeting.
Installing the Microsoft Teams application for desktop and mobile devices
To testify at meetings held on Microsoft Teams, you may also download and install the Microsoft Teams application. Downloading and installing the Microsoft Teams application is free. Please see further instructions below:
Desktop: Teams is available as a desktop app for Windows and Mac. The download can be found here:
Mobile devices: Teams is available via mobile app for iOS and Android. The download can be scanned here:
How to testify – Raise your hand feature
In the meeting controls at the top of the screen, select Raise your hand . Everyone in the meeting will see that your hand is raised.
Meeting organizers will also receive a notification that your hand is raised and add your name to the testifier list. At this time, staff will lower your hand, inform you when it is your turn to testify, and will allow you to unmute your video and microphone.
To testify via phone, please call in to the phone number and enter the meeting ID noted on the agenda. Please follow the instructions provided on the call to raise your hand and unmute and mute yourself.