Former Maui County mayor invited in county manager discussion


For immediate release: Jan. 26, 2016

Press release by:
Tony Takitani, Chair
Special Committee on County Governance
Maui County Council

Former Maui County mayor invited in county manager discussion

WAILUKU, Hawaii – The council’s Special Committee on County Governance has invited former Maui County Mayor Charmaine Tavares to provide input on the county manager form of governance at its next meeting, Special Committee Chair Tony Takitani announced today.


The Special Committee, composed of community volunteers appointed by the council, will meet on Thursday, Jan. 28 at 1 p.m. in the Council Chamber in Wailuku.

The Special Committee has also invited Mark Hyde of Maui Government Accountability & Improvement Now to provide a presentation. According to the organization’s Facebook page, GAIN advocates for the change of the county’s current government structure to a county manager form.

Takitani said the Special Committee will consider experiences from other counties with a county manager or city manager form of governance and academic research.

Agendas, documents and related research materials are posted on the Special Committee’s website at Testimony may be emailed to

The Special Committee’s report to the council is due in June.

For the latest news on the Maui County Council, follow @mauicounty on Twitter.

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