Requested update on pest management pilot program scheduled for Monday


For immediate release: Jan. 30, 2016

Press release by:
Elle Cochran, Chair
Infrastructure and Environmental Management Committee
Maui County Council

Requested update on pest management pilot program scheduled for Monday

WAILUKU, Hawaii – Councilmember Elle Cochran has requested an update on the Department of Public Works’ projects and initiatives, including the pest management pilot program, at a committee meeting scheduled for Monday, Feb. 1 at 1:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, she announced today.

Cochran said the department is scheduled to present its priorities to the Infrastructure and Environmental Management Committee, which she chairs, and may talk about operational expenses anticipated for fiscal year 2017.


According to Cochran, an integrated pest management program uses organic pesticide products, along with mechanical methods of weed control, as alternatives to using pesticide products such as Roundup.

“We are hopeful the update will allow the committee and the community to learn details about the department’s pilot program since there have been strong community concerns about Roundup’s environmental and health effects,” Cochran said. “If the state Department of Transportation’s Maui District was able to transition to using organic products and mechanical methods for roadside weed control, as has been reported, I am hopeful our county will be able to do the same.

“I’d like to delve into all possible ways the county can work towards achieving this worthy goal. I look forward to working with the department on its proposed programs this year.”

Cochran said the department is also expected to present an update on Lower Nahiku Bridge in East Maui.

To submit testimony, email, referencing IEM-11(2) for the pilot program and IEM-10 for the Lower Nahiku Bridge update.

For the latest council news, follow @mauicounty on Twitter.

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