Advisory body sought to review county manager form of governance

county manager

For immediate release: Oct. 28, 2015

Press release by:
Councilmember Michael P. Victorino, Chair
Policy and Intergovernmental Affairs Committee

Advisory body sought to review county manager form of governance

WAILUKU, Hawaii – The Policy and Intergovernmental Affairs Committee will consider a resolution establishing an advisory body to review the county manager form of governance on Monday, Nov. 2 at 9 a.m. in the Council Chamber, Committee Chair Michael P. Victorino announced today.

county manager

“There has been interest from the public in considering this form of governance versus the county’s current form,” Victorino said. “There are potential benefits and disadvantages to each, so an advisory body, such as a special committee, has been proposed to review and make recommendations to the council on what is best for Maui County.

“Determining who should be on this body, its timeframe and other guidelines are among the discussion topics anticipated by the committee on Monday.”

The resolution referred by the council was introduced by Council Chair Mike White and proposed a 9-member special committee to make its recommendation in 180 days. Victorino said an 11-member committee with 365 days to complete its evaluation would be more appropriate, given the complexity of the issue.

The committee on Monday may consider membership on the special committee in accordance with the criteria defined in the resolution. Copies of proposed resolutions are available at

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