Baisa urges public testimony to support gray water use to promote conservation

Gladys Baisa

Councilmember Gladys C. Baisa today submitted testimony to support Senate Bill 3019, a bill requiring new buildings to include gray water equipment, when practical.

Copy of testimony

As she explained in her testimony, gray water, or greywater, is recycled water from bathroom sinks, showers, bathtubs and washing machines. With proper equipment, gray water is successfully used for irrigation, saving potable water for human consumption. Baisa said increased gray water increase can be an important tool for water conservation.

Baisa asked legislators to support the bill, which was introduced last month by state Sen. J. Kalani English and will be heard in committee on Feb. 12.

Baisa’s testimony included the following statements:

Enactment of this measure would make a strong policy statement that the State of Hawaii supports increased gray water use. By providing an exemption where gray water equipment is impractical, this measure ensures developers of affordable housing and small residential projects are not unduly burdened.

Gray water equipment is increasingly simple and affordable to install, as seen at, the website for “Greywater Action for a Sustainable Water Culture.” The long-term savings in water costs will exceed installation costs in most cases.

Baisa urges others who support water conservation to also submit testimony by 2:30 p.m. on Thursday afternoon. Here is the hearing notice, which includes instructions on submitting online testimony.

Gladys Baisa

Baisa is the chair of the Maui County Council’s Water Resources Committee.

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