Committee to discuss general excise tax and Central Maui’s wastewater facilities

For Immediate Release

Press Release by:
Yuki Lei K. Sugimura, Committee Chair
Budget, Finance and Economic Development Committee

Committee to discuss general excise tax and Central Maui’s wastewater facilities

WAILUKU, Hawaiʻi (June 6, 2023)—The Budget, Finance and Economic Development committee will meet Friday at 9 a.m. to discuss the county’s new authority on general excise tax, committee Chair Yuki Lei K. Sugimura announced today.

Under Act 48, signed into law by Gov. Josh Green on June 1, Maui County can join the three other counties and add a 0.5% surcharge on the 4% state general excise tax to fund housing infrastructure. The committee may consider whether to recommend passage of Maui County Council Bill 49 (2023), which would approve the surcharge, Sugimura said.

“With a surcharge on general excise tax, the funding will support housing infrastructure—including water, drainage and wastewater systems, waste disposal, as well as sidewalks and pedestrian paths,” said Sugimura, who is also the council’s vice-chair. “If we reduce infrastructure costs for home construction, it will reduce the cost to the homebuyer.”

The committee will also discuss the Wailuku-Kahului Wastewater Reclamation Facility and the Central Maui Wastewater Reclamation Facility. Sugimura said the facilities could be supported by revenue from the tax surcharge because they may service future housing developments, such as the Waikapū Country Town project and the Department of Hawaiian Homelands Puʻunani Homestead. Infrastructure projects such as these will also benefit existing residents.

“I encourage the community to share their thoughts on a potential general excise tax surcharge,” added Sugimura.

In-person, online and phone testimony is welcome at all meetings. Testimony instructions are on the meeting agendas, available at:

Legislation and other supporting documents are also accessible via the meeting agendas. For more information, please email or contact the Office of Council Services at (808) 270-7838.
