PRESS RELEASE: Committee seeks charter commission applications by Feb. 1

For Immediate Release: January 19, 2021

Press Release by:

Michael J. Molina, Chair

Government Relations, Ethics, and Transparency Committee

WAILUKU, Hawaii—The council is seeking applications for the 2021-22 Maui County Charter Commission by noon on Feb. 1, Government Relations, Ethics, and Transparency Committee Chair Michael J. Molina announced following a special meeting this morning.

A charter amendment approved at last year’s general election requires the mayor to appoint two members and the council to appoint nine members of the 11-member charter commission by March 1. The charter commission is convened for a 16-month term once every 10 years to review and consider proposing revisions to the Maui County Charter—the local government’s constitutional document.

“The charter commission plays a vital role in determining the structure of the local government,” said Molina, whose committee plans to review applications at a meeting planned for Feb. 9. “The charter commission can propose an entirely new county charter, propose piecemeal charter amendments or maintain the status quo.”

The application is available online:

Hard copies of applications will also be available at district offices.

Molina said completed applications can be sent to, referencing GREAT-5. Applications can also be mailed, faxed, or dropped off in a drop box outside the entrance to the County Building or at the council’s district offices to be received by the Feb. 1 deadline.

The committee today decided that all applications, except for private contact information, will be part of its public record. Each councilmember will be able to submit a nomination from the pool of candidates, Molina said.

At its Feb. 9 meeting, the committee expects to review a resolution that will include the councilmembers’ nine nominees and, in an exhibit, the names of others in the pool of candidates, he said. If any nominee fails to get a majority vote, a councilmember may make another nomination at the meeting.

“This is a new process to all of us, with a tight deadline,” Molina said. “I appreciate my colleagues and the public making the effort to implement the procedures that were agreed upon on Tuesday morning.

“I encourage all Lanai, Maui, and Molokai residents to consider answering this call to service.”

Molina said potential applicants can familiarize themselves with the charter at

Members of the public can view the Feb. 9 meeting on Akaku Channel 53 or provide testimony via video conference link or phone number listed on the meeting agenda. For more information on upcoming meeting agendas, please visit

In addition to receiving testimony by phone or video conference, the council will accept written testimony. For instructions on submitting written testimony, please visit
