PRESS RELEASE: Committee to Hear Lāna‘i Planning Items


For immediate release: October 9, 2020

Press Release by:

Tamara Paltin, Chair

Planning and Sustainable Land Use

Maui County Council

Committee to Hear Lāna‘i Planning Items

WAILUKU, Hawaii—The Planning and Sustainability Land Use Committee will meet on Tuesday, October 13 at 4:30 p.m. via the BlueJeans online platform to discuss planning legislation specific to Lāna‘i.

The committee will consider proposed bills establishing standards for bed and breakfast and short-term rental home permits on Lāna‘i and design guidelines for the Lāna‘i City County Town Business District.

“My hope is that a late afternoon meeting will allow more stakeholders to participate and share their mana‘o with the PSLU Committee,” said Committee Chair Tamara Paltin. “I would have preferred to bring the committee to Lāna‘i to hear these items, but unfortunately this is not possible due to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

In addition to receiving testimony by phone or video conference, the committee will accept written testimony, which may be submitted by emailing

Information on the proposed legislation and how to submit oral testimony via BlueJeans will be posted on the committee meeting agenda at

The meeting will also be available to view live online and on Akaku Channel 53. For more information, visit or contact the Office of Councilmember Paltin at (808)270-5504.

