Council sets community plan meetings on Lanai

Lanai views

For Immediate Release: March 4, 2016

Press Release by:
Mike White, Chair
Maui County Council

Council sets community plan meetings on Lanai

WAILUKU, Hawaii – The Maui County Council will hold a public hearing at the Lanai Senior Center on Saturday, March 12 at 9 a.m. to receive public testimony on the revised Lanai Community Plan, Council Chair Mike White announced today.

A special council meeting is also scheduled for March 12 at 11 a.m. at the same venue to consider the bill approving the Lanai Community Plan on the first of two necessary readings, White said.

Lanai views

“Preparing the new Lanai Community Plan has taken years of work and many hours of deliberation by the Department of Planning, the council’s Planning Committee and the volunteer members of the Lanai Community Plan Advisory Committee and Lanai Planning Commission,” White said. “I thank the public for their input thus far and look forward to hearing more as we get closer to approving a final document.”

The current Lanai Community Plan was adopted in 1998. The bill under consideration would adopt the revised Lanai Community Plan as part of the Maui County General Plan. The Lanai Community Plan is intended to guide development on the island over a 20-year planning horizon.

The plan was recommended for approval by the council’s Planning Committee, chaired by Councilmember Don Couch.

“The community plan process is often times challenging, especially when blending various visions from the community,” Couch said. “The passionate commitment to the process from the Lanai Community Plan Advisory Committee, Lanai Planning Commission and the community helped develop a document that will set the course for future Lanai generations.”

Meeting agendas, the bill and related documents are available on Testimony may also be emailed to

For the latest news, follow @mauicounty on Twitter.

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Public hearing notice

Special council meeting agenda
