For immediate release: March 3, 2016
Press release by:
Tony Takitani, Chair
Special Committee on County Governance
Maui County Council
Evening meeting on county manager system set for March 10 at UH Maui College
WAILUKU, Hawaii – The Maui County Council’s Special Committee on County Governance has scheduled a meeting for Thursday, March 10, at 5 p.m. in the University of Hawaii Maui College’s Pilina Multi-Purpose Room, Special Committee Chair Tony Takitani announced today.
The council formed the 11-member special committee, composed of community volunteers, to provide a written recommendation on whether establishing a county manager form of government would improve the County of Maui’s management and operation. The special committee’s deadline is June 1.
The evening meeting was scheduled to accommodate residents who wish to testify on possible forms of county governance and are unable to attend daytime meetings, Takitani said.
“This will be the committee’s seventh meeting,” Takitani said. “We have heard from the two most recent mayors, as well as national and local experts, but would like to hear from more Maui County residents before making a recommendation.”
In a county manager form of government, “a professional manager is appointed to oversee a municipality’s administrative operations and implement policies established by the municipality’s elected legislative body,” according to Resolution 15-155, which established the special committee. The county manager system is regarded as an alternative to the current mayor-council government.
Takitani said written testimony may be emailed to A copy of the agenda, map of the venue and county manager informational documents are available at
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