Councilmember Guzman to propose bills to protect archaeological and cultural sites

Don Guzman

For immediate release: October 4, 2017

Press release by:
Councilmember Don Guzman

WAILUKU, Hawaii – Two legislative proposals will be introduced at the upcoming County Council meeting on Oct. 6 to address concerns presented during discussions on a proposed moratorium on sand mining, Councilmember Don Guzman announced today.

“The proposals offer solutions to key issues raised during the Council’s Infrastructure and Environmental Management Committee discussions regarding a temporary moratorium on sand mining in Central Maui” stated Councilmember Guzman. “The valuable information gathered during these meetings inspired the drafting of the bills.

“The fact that there is litigation over this matter points to areas of concern and ambiguities in our policies, and as the residing councilmember of Central Maui, this is of serious concern to me.”

The first proposed bill would amend the definition of “Resource Extraction” in the Maui County Code to more narrowly encompass activities that may result in natural resources being mined and used for purposes other than on-site construction.

The second proposed bill would amend the code to enhance enforcement provisions when persons fail to comply with state and federal regulations affecting archaeological monitoring, preservation, or mitigation plans or requirements of the soil and water conservation districts.  The proposed bill also includes a provision allowing officials from state and county agencies to enter property for the purpose of ensuring compliance with rules and regulations.

“The Council’s role is to clearly define the resource extraction process so the Administration can better regulate and safeguard our finite resources and sensitive cultural sites, complexes and landscapes.  I heard the testimony and understand the related court action, and offer these bills in an effort to bring clarity and certainty to our laws” stated Guzman.

To learn more about the proposed bills, please visit the Council & Committee Agendas & Documents page.