PRESS RELEASE: Bills on vacation rentals in apartment districts and new hotels on Maui to be heard Wednesday

Press Release by:

Tamara Paltin, Chair

Planning and Sustainable Land Use Committee

Maui County Council

Bills on vacation rentals in apartment districts and new hotels on Maui to be heard Wednesday

LAHAINA, Hawaiʻi—On Wednesday at 9 a.m., the Planning and Sustainable Land Use Committee will review legislation proposing various limits on transient accommodations, Councilmember Tamara Paltin announced today.

A bill to establish a moratorium on new hotels on Maui, designated as PSLU-28, has been reviewed by the Maui Planning Commission. Legislation proposed by multiple councilmembers to phase out vacation rentals in the county’s apartment zoning districts (PSLU-34), which needs planning-commission review before it can be enacted, is available for review at

“I anticipate this meeting to be a continuation of the larger discussion we have been having as a county about striking a balance between economic recovery and our residents’ quality of life,” said Paltin, who chairs the committee and is in her second term holding the council seat for the West Maui residency area. “Many people are passionate about this subject, and the council wants to hear their perspectives.”

To submit oral testimony by phone, members of the public can call (408) 915-6290 and enter meeting code 149 341 846. Directions on submitting live video testimony and written testimony are available on the meeting agenda at

The meeting will be live streamed on the Maui County Council’s Facebook page, on cable television via Akaku Channel 53 and on For more information, contact committee staff at or (808)270-7838.



Councilmember Paltin

Councilmember Paltin