Fast-track affordable housing project in Wailuku proposes 70 units

Waiale Affordable Housing

For immediate release: May 11, 2016

Press release by:
Councilmember Robert Carroll, Chair
Land Use Committee

Fast-track affordable housing project in Wailuku proposes 70 units

WAILUKU, Hawaii – The Maui County Council’s Land Use Committee will consider the Waiale Affordable Housing project, which proposes 70 affordable, single family residential units and a neighborhood park, on Wednesday, May 18 at 1:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Committee Chair Robert Carroll announced today.

Waiale Affordable Housing

“Here is another opportunity to address the community’s affordable housing crisis,” Carroll said. “Though the committee will face strict time pressures, I urge the members to review the application carefully so that we can recommend a project that is fair to those who will shoulder the cost of these exemptions and is beneficial to the community at large.”

The project has been proposed under Chapter 201H, Hawaii Revised Statutes, which provides developers of qualified affordable-housing projects the opportunity to seek exemptions from certain laws relating to planning, zoning, construction, and development.

Waiale Affordable Housing

The applicant, Waiale Road 201 LLC, is assisted by V. Bagoyo Development Consulting Group, LLC. The project is located on 10.36 acres on Waiale Road in Wailuku, north of the Waikapu Gardens subdivision.

The applicant has requested exemptions from certain infrastructure and permitting requirements as well as land use changes. The application and proposed resolutions that contain the requested exemptions are linked to the agenda found at

By state law, the council has 45 days, or until June 20, to act on the proposal. Otherwise, it will be deemed approved.

Testimony may be submitted to referencing LU-2(3). For the latest news, follow @mauicounty on Twitter.

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Review application:

Waiale Affordable Housing
