For Immediate Release:
April 10, 2014
Press Release by:
Councilmember Mike White, Chair
Budget and Finance Committee
Evening meeting scheduled for water rates and fees
WAILUKU, Hawaii – The Budget and Finance Committee has scheduled an evening meeting on Tuesday, April 15 at 6 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 200 S. High Street in Wailuku, to receive input from residents on the proposed water rates and fees in the Fiscal Year 2015 Budget, Committee Chair Mike White announced today.
White said the scheduled meeting was in response to testifiers requesting an opportunity, after working hours, to comment on the Mayor’s proposed increases in water rates and fees.
“To accommodate the public who cannot attend our daytime deliberations, a pau hana meeting will enable residents to participate,” White said. “I urge the public to come out on Tuesday, share their thoughts about the proposed increases, and help the Committee make decisions to balance the budget.”
At the Committee’s April 8 meeting, the Director of Water Supply presented a revised water meter fee proposal, which reflected larger increases than the fees included in the Mayor’s proposed budget. The proposed fee for a new 5/8” water meter is $14,060, which is $2,000 higher than the FY 2014 fee. New and larger-sized water meters would increase at a proportional percentage of roughly 16.6 percent over FY 2014, which would mean a $737,220 increase for a 12-inch meter.
The Director said the increases are intended to recover some of the costs of developing water source. White said the Department will make a presentation on the new fee structure at the Committee’s April 15 meeting.
In addition, the Mayor has proposed increases to water service rates and monthly water meter service charges for general and agricultural water consumers. For example, general water consumers with a 5/8” water meter who use 5,000 gallons or less per month would pay 10 cents more, from $1.80 to $1.90 per 1,000 gallons, while agricultural consumers using 15,001 gallons or more per month would have their rates increased by 5 cents, from $1.15 to $1.20 per 1,000 gallons.
Review the proposed water rates and fees at Testimony will also be accepted via district offices in Hana, Lanai and Molokai, or emailed to
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