For immediate release: Aug. 24, 2015
Press release by:
Councilmember Don Couch, Chair
Planning Committee
Affordable accessory dwelling resolution slated for Sept. 4 council meeting
WAILUKU, HI – The Planning Committee’s recommendation to refer a bill on affordable accessory dwellings to the planning commissions will be considered by the Maui County Council on Sept. 4, Committee Chair Don Couch announced today.
The bill, introduced by Councilmember Robert Carroll, would amend the county’s Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance to allow affordable accessory dwellings in the Residential District on lots of at least 5,000 but less than 7,500 sq. ft.
The committee on Aug. 6 discussed some areas of the bill needing clarification, including provisions relating to the enforcement of deed restrictions and the formula for calculating a dwelling’s floor area.
“I anticipate hearing from testifiers at the Sept. 4 council meeting and welcome all comments on the proposal,” Couch said. “This kind of dwelling could be part of a solution to the lack of affordable housing in the county, and I will urge the council’s support for referring the matter to the county’s planning commissions.”
Testimony to the committee may be emailed to
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