WAILUKU, Hawaii – The first Maui Metropolitan Planning Organization policy board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 4, at 10 a.m. in the Planning Conference Room of the Kalana Pakui Building.
As approved by the Maui County Council and based on federal requirements, the Maui MPO was established by the State of Hawaii and County of Maui earlier this year to coordinate transportation planning at all levels of government for Maui County. The MPO policy board is slated to elect its chair and vice-chair, as well as to consider an executive director and other staff positions.
The Maui MPO is the second metropolitan planning organization in Hawaii and among dozens throughout the country. The Oahu MPO was established four decades ago.
The council was informed the Maui MPO could facilitate the receipt of $186 million in federal funding for transportation projects over the next five years.
Diversifying transportation options is a core theme in several components of the Maui County General Plan. For instance, the Countywide Policy Plan directs policymakers to “expand ridership of transit systems” and “reduce reliance on the automobile.”
The Maui MPO policy board consists of state Transportation Director Ford Fuchigami, Maui County Councilmembers Elle Cochran, Don Couch and Stacy Crivello, county Planning Director Will Spence, county Public Works Director David Goode and county Transportation Director Don Medeiros.
The meeting agenda is available here. Public testimony will be accepted.
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