Tag: governor

Councilmember Sugimura
For immediate release: November 30, 2017 Press release by: Councilmember Yuki Lei K. Sugimura WAILUKU, Hawaii – A resolution will be introduced at the Maui County Council’s Dec. 1 meeting urging the Governor and the State Legislature to mandate the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement, to proactively administer […]
Old Haleakala Highway
HONOLULU– Gov. Neil Abercrombie announced Thursday the release of $3.09 million in Capital Improvement Grants, $998,000 of which is allocated for Old Haleakala Highway Sidewalk Project. The State funding matches previously appropriated County funding and allows the project to proceed. Upcountry residents have voiced safety concerns over the years for King Kekaulike High School students […]