HSAC continues discussion on 2014 State legislative package


HONOLULU, Hawaii – The Hawaii State Association of Counties held a meeting of the general membership yesterday to continue discussion on the 2014 HSAC Legislative Package. Hawaii mayors and/or their representative, and council members from the four counties attended the meeting at Honolulu Hale.


The mayors and council members discussed their legislative priorities and strategies for the upcoming State legislative session, beginning January 15, 2014. The group worked hard to narrow county concerns to a few top priorities, including increasing the counties’ share of the transient accommodations tax, the counties’ taxing authority, and county liability protection.

The mayors and council members continued to stress the importance of maintaining a united front when advancing the counties’ interests at the State Capitol, as they had stressed at their Sept. 13 meeting.

At the Oct. 18 Maui County Council meeting, HSAC Treasurer Michael Victorino encouraged the Council members to actively participate in HSAC’s discussions with the mayors on the counties’ legislative priorities and strategies. In attendance at yesterday’s meeting were Council Chair Gladys Baisa, and Councilmembers Robert Carroll, Donald Couch Jr., Stacy Crivello, Don Guzman, Riki Hokama, Michael Victorino, and Mike White. The other Hawaii council chairs also attended, along with council members from each of the other county councils.

The county leaders agreed to schedule the next HSAC meeting on Nov. 27 at 10:00 a.m. also at the Honolulu Hale.

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