Molina urges federal government to temporarily waive Jones Act

For Immediate Release:  March 30, 2022

Press Release by:
Michael J. Molina, Councilmember
Maui County Council

Molina urges federal government to temporarily waive Jones Act

WAILUKU, Hawai‘i—Councilmember Michael J. Molina said today he has introduced a resolution urging the federal government to expeditiously and temporarily waive specific Jones Act requirements for oil imported to Hawai‘i for the Maui County Council meeting on Friday at 9 a.m.

Resolution 22-90 encourages a limited and targeted waiver of the Jones Act to allow to more cost-effective shipping of oil to Hawai‘i. Molina said he is hopeful the council’s adoption of his resolution and resulting action by the U.S. government will mitigate the cost impact Hawai‘i residents are experiencing due to sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine.

“While we’re suffering the effects of an international crisis, it’s time to set aside this federal law that requires the transport of goods exclusively on a limited number of domestic vessels, resulting in higher costs for Hawai‘i consumers, said Molina, who holds the council seat for the Makawao-Ha‘ikū-Pā‘ia residency area. “We need to have the U.S. government ‘level the playing field’ in the form of reduced fuel and shipping costs for Maui County and other state residents.”

In addition to receiving testimony by phone or video conference, the council will accept written testimony. For instructions on submitting testimony, please visit

The meeting will also be available to view live online and on Akaku Channel 53. For more information on Resolution 22-90 and other agenda items, visit



