General excise tax surcharge in effect for Maui County

For Immediate Release:

Press Release by:
Alice L. Lee, Chair
Maui County Council

General excise tax surcharge in effect for Maui County

WAILUKU, Hawaiʻi (Feb. 7, 2024)—The state legislature authorized Maui County to implement a 0.5% general excise tax surcharge that took effect Jan. 1, Council Chair Alice L. Lee announced today.

Lee said the state’s general excise tax of 4% is imposed on commercial activity, with more than 30% of the revenue paid by non-residents. Revenue from the county surcharge will be used for housing infrastructure, including water, wastewater, pedestrian paths and sidewalks, she said.

“We would like to remind the public that the GET surcharge is in now in effect and will continue until Dec. 31, 2030,” said Lee, who holds the seat for the Wailuku-Waiheʻe-Waikapū residency area. “The surcharge revenue will assist in reducing the cost of home construction and generating much-needed affordable housing.”

The surcharge was approved by Ordinance 5511, which was signed into law by Maui County Mayor Richard T. Bissen, Jr. on July 19, 2023. For more information, visit


Photo credit: ʻĪkenākea, Hale O Piʻikea
