Council to hold special council meeting Friday on financing disaster-relief efforts

For Immediate Release:

Press Release by:
Alice L. Lee, Chair
Maui County Council

Council to hold special council meeting Friday on financing disaster-relief efforts

WAILUKU, Hawaiʻi (Dec. 19, 2023)—The Maui County Council will hold a special council meeting Friday at 9 a.m. to consider bills and resolutions related to monetary allocations for disaster-relief efforts, Chair Alice L. Lee announced today.

Lee said the council will consider Resolutions 23-232 and 23-233 to authorize property acquisition in Lahaina to house wildfire survivors. Bill 121, CD1 (2023) and Bill 125 (2023) will be considered on second and final reading to support the new Office of Recovery and authorize the mayor to enter intergovernmental agreements for public-assistance grants from the state Emergency Management Agency.

“We are balancing the need for prompt action with the need to ensure the County of Maui retains a strong financial standing,” said Lee, who holds the seat for the Wailuku-Waiheʻe-Waikapū residency area. “The council encourages residents to provide feedback through written or live testimony at the council meeting.”

Legislation and the council-meeting agenda are accessible at

In-person, online and phone testimony is welcome at all meetings. Testimony instructions are on the meeting agendas.

For more information, please visit or call the Office of Council Services at (808) 270-7838.

