Council passes bill to implement organic standards and regulations at Kula Agricultural Park

For Immediate Release: February 17, 2023

Press Release by:
Gabe Johnson, Councilmember
Maui County Council

Council passes bill to implement organic standards and regulations at Kula Agricultural Park

LĀNAʻI, Hawaiʻi—The council today passed Bill 160, CD1, FD1 (2022), reserving the Kula Agricultural Park Phase 1 Expansion area for practices that comply with the National Organic Standards Act, Councilmember Gabe Johnson announced.

Johnson said this legislation will allow local farmers increased access to labor and land resources to support production, processing, distribution and consumption of local food. The bill promotes regenerative agriculture by prioritizing soil health and reducing the use of harmful chemicals in the 260-acre Kula Agricultural Park Phase 1 expansion area, he said.

“Regenerative agriculture is a forward-thinking system that works to naturally nurture soil, protect water resource and biodiversity and combat climate change,” said Johnson, chair of the Agriculture, Diversification, Environment and Public Transportation Committee. “We need to create an environment that supports our farmers and agriculture economy.”

Although the Kula Agricultural Park Phase 1 expansion area must follow the permitted guidelines on pesticides and fertilizers, conventional farming is still an option for farmers on the already established 445-acre Kula Agricultural Park. Bill 160, CD1, FDI (2022) alters the lease application requirements, establishes a waitlist for prospective lessees and prioritizes food for local consumption over non-food crops or crops for export.

“By removing some of the barriers for new farmers to apply for these lots, such as requiring a marketing plan and financial statements, we can support a long-term increase in food production,” said Johnson, who introduced the bill. “Many farmers are interested in organic farming practices, but access to farmland is one of the biggest barriers to the success of an emerging farmer.”

Visit the council’s website at to read the bill. Contact the Office of Council Services at (808) 270-7838 for more information.

