For Immediate Release:
Press Release by:
Alice L. Lee, Chair
Maui County Council
Council meetings set for Feb. 16 and 28 on Microsoft Teams videoconferencing platform
WAILUKU, Hawaiʻi (Feb. 1, 2024)—The Maui County Council will reschedule its meetings this month to accommodate the National Association of Counties’ Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C., Feb. 10-13, Chair Alice L. Lee announced today.
Lee said the council will meet Feb. 16 and 28 at 9 a.m. The meetings will be live streamed on Microsoft Teams, the council’s new videoconferencing platform, with in-person testimony accepted in the Council Chamber.
“Some of my colleagues will attend the NACo conference to network with other elected county officials from across the country and discuss policy issues with the federal administration and our congressional delegation,” said Lee, who holds the seat for the Wailuku-Waiheʻe-Waikapū residency area. “We are dependent on ongoing federal support in our community’s recovery from the August 2023 wildfires, so this conference is timely.
“While some councilmembers will be at the national conference, my remaining colleagues and I will continue working with state legislators and Gov. Josh Green on recovery efforts and other critical issues in Maui County.”
Council and committee meetings are officially scheduled when an agenda is posted to
Meetings held on Microsoft Teams can be accessed by phone or internet. To learn how to testify using Microsoft Teams, visit
Testimony directions also appear on meeting agendas.
For more information on the conference, visit the NACo website at
For more information on the council calendar, contact the Office of Council Services at (808) 270-8008.