Council Launches Civic Engagement Video Series

KIHEI, Hawaii—The Maui County Council has launched Maui County Kākou, a civic engagement video series featuring local talent providing information and resources to encourage and facilitate civic education and participation, Councilmember Kelly Takaya King announced today.

“The civic engagement video series was created with the support and foresight of the entire council to raise community awareness about local government and how to stay informed and get involved,” said King.

“Our goal is to empower more community members to take an active role in local government and embrace the opportunity to share their mana‘o on issues they care about.”

Maui County Kākou consists of five self-contained videos that can be viewed separately or in a 20-minute compilation video, all of which are available on the Maui County Council’s website and YouTube page. The videos cover a variety of topics, focusing on:

  • Getting to know your Maui County Council
  • Understanding how laws are made
  • Reading an agenda
  • Giving testimony
  • Staying informed and getting involved

The video series features Kathy Collins, George Kahumoku, Jr., Shaggy Jenkins and other on-screen guides to answer some of the more common civic education questions, including:

  • How does the Maui County Council make laws and policies?
  • What are some tips to help me prepare my testimony?
  • What is the Sunshine Law?
  • Where can I find meeting agendas?
  • How can I participate in our local government?

“Online meetings have opened the door for participation from almost anywhere at anytime,” said King. “These videos can help prepare community members to take part in the legislative process and engage with their councilmembers with confidence and greater effectiveness.”

“I extend my deepest gratitude to my former staffer, Suzanne Kayian, who helped lead the effort on this project, as well as our Office of Council Services staff who worked diligently to ensure accurate, professional and easy-to-follow videos.”

To view the Maui County Kākou civic engagement video series, please visit

For more information, visit or contact the Office of Council Services at 270-7838.


