Council committee still accepting East Maui Regional Community Board applications

For Immediate Release

Press Release by:
Shane M. Sinenci, Committee Chair
Water Authority, Social Services and Parks Committee

Council committee still accepting East Maui Regional Community Board applications

HĀNA, Hawai‘i (May 31, 2023)—Councilmember Shane M. Sinenci announced today that applications for the East Maui Regional Community Board will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. on June 6.

Under a charter amendment approved last year, the East Maui Regional Community Board will appoint the director and set policies for the new East Maui Community Water Authority, which is responsible for a long-range watershed management plan. The Water Authority, Social Services and Parks Committee met yesterday to continue its review of applications submitted by the prior deadline of April 28.

“The committee will be accepting applications until next week Tuesday to ensure it has a broad selection of qualified candidates to consider for appointment to this critical board,” Sinenci said.

Sinenci said the 11-member East Maui Regional Community Board is concerned with the Nāhiku, Keʻanae, Honomanū and Huelo license areas. Each license area will be represented by at least two board members.

Additionally, one board member must be engaged in ranching, farming, aquaculture or loko iʻa in the Upcountry water system service area, another must reside in the Upcountry water system service area, and another will be a representative of the Hawaiian Homes Commission. Of the 11 members on the board, the council appoints seven members, and the mayor appoints the remaining four.

The application form is available at Applications must be emailed to or hand-delivered to the Office of Council Services, 200 S. High St., #703, Wailuku by 4:30 p.m. on June 6.

Applications that were submitted prior to the original April 28 deadline are still valid. Anyone who submitted an application after April 28 must submit a new application to be considered for appointment to the board.

For more information, please email or contact Councilmember Sinenci’s office at (808) 248-7513.

