Budget, Finance, and Economic Development Committee launches OpenGov fiscal year 2023 budget website

Councilmember Rawlins-Fernandez

For Immediate Release: December 14, 2022

Press Release by:
Keani Rawlins-Fernandez, Vice-Chair
Maui County Council

Budget, Finance, and Economic Development Committee launches OpenGov fiscal year 2023 budget website

KAUNAKAKAI, Hawaiʻi—Council Vice-Chair Keani Rawlins-Fernandez announced that the Budget, Finance, and Economic Development Committee met today to discuss accessibility to the OpenGov Maui county fiscal year 2023 budget website.

The website was created to showcase Maui County’s financial plan for the fiscal year, which started July 1, 2022 and runs through June 30, 2023. During today’s meeting, the committee members reviewed the website and provided feedback to staff.

“The budget website promotes transparency in an organized and user-friendly way for our community by providing a clear breakdown on where our collective resources will be allocated for each fiscal year,” said Rawlins-Fernandez, chair of the Budget, Finance, and Economic Development Committee.

Rawlins-Fernandez said the website includes budget allocations by department, fund, and residency area. It also lists budget highlights and primary tax revenue sources.

For more information, please visit the OpenGov website at https://stories.opengov.com/mauicountyhi/published/3Y6BUX8NH. The site will also be accessible under Quick Links on mauicounty.us soon.

