For Immediate Release:
Press Release by:
Gabe Johnson, Chair
Agriculture, Diversification, Environment and Public Transportation Committee
Agriculture, Diversification, Environment and Public Transportation Committee to reconvene Thursday
WAILUKU, Hawaiʻi (July 3, 2023)–Committee Chair Gabe Johnson announced today that the Agriculture, Diversification, Environment and Public Transportation Committee will reconvene July 6 at 1:30 p.m. to discuss Resolution 23-146, requesting that the Conservation Planning Committee review and provide recommendations on the possible acquisition or management of certain lands for conservation purposes.
Johnson said the Conservation Planning Committee is a public board that reviews and provides recommendations on land management and acquisition of open space real property. The board considers environmental, cultural and social aspects to assist in advising Mayor Richard T. Bissen and the Maui County Council.
“We would like to do everything we can to preserve open spaces and our few remaining wetlands to ensure that our land and natural resources are preserved for generations to come,” said Johnson, who holds the seat for the Lānaʻi residency area. “Wetlands serve many important functions vital to our community, including mitigating flooding and erosion, minimizing sedimentation that can harm coral reefs and providing habitat for endangered plant and animal species.”
The committee will continue to focus on identifying the most important lands to seek the input on from Conservation Planning Committee, he said. If the Agriculture, Diversification, Environment and Public Transportation Committee recommends and the council subsequently approves Resolution 23-146’s adoption, the Conservation Planning Committee will have 120 days to review and provide recommendations on the management or acquisition of the identified lands for conservation.
While oral testimony has been closed for the reconvened committee meeting on Thursday, written testimony is still being accepted through eComment. Testimony instructions, legislation and other supporting documents are accessible on the meeting agendas, available at
There will be opportunities to provide additional testimony as the proposed resolution moves through council and the Conservation Planning Committee. For more information, please email or call the committee staff at (808) 270-7761.