Vote on prosecuting attorney’s removal planned for Dec. 4

For immediate release: November 17, 2020

Press Release by:

Michael J. Molina, Chair

Governance, Ethics and Transparency Committee


Vote on prosecuting attorney’s removal planned for Dec. 4


WAILUKU, Hawaii—Councilmember Michael J. Molina announced today the vote on the prosecuting attorney’s removal is planned for Dec. 4.

A committee report issued by the Governance, Ethics and Transparency Committee to recommend adoption of a resolution approving the removal of Prosecuting Attorney Donald S. Guzman is expected to be published for the regular council meeting scheduled for the first Friday in December, he said.

“There has been a great deal of news coverage on this matter since the committee made its recommendation to remove the prosecuting attorney at its Nov. 6 meeting,” said Molina, who chairs the committee. “I would like to clarify that the council will not be considering the committee’s recommendations later this week.”

The committee conducted two special meetings on Nov. 5 and 6 to consider the mayor’s recommendation to remove the prosecuting attorney. After hours of testimony and deliberation, the committee voted unanimously to support the mayor’s request.

Molina said removal of the prosecuting attorney will prompt Mayor Michael P. Victorino to nominate a replacement, with the council required to approve or disapprove the nomination within 60 days. Delaying the committee report until next month will allow the council sufficient time to consider the nomination after the holidays, instead of interfering with the holiday season, he said.

Molina said the decision to recommend adoption of the removal resolution weighed heavily on the committee but was necessary given the circumstances.

“I hope this decision will reassure the community that comfort and safety in the workplace are essential and remind others that violence in the workplace is not permitted, nor is it tolerated by this body,” he said.

Members of the public can view the Dec. 4 council meeting on Akaku Channel 53 or provide testimony via video conference link or phone number listed on the meeting agenda once it is posted. For more information on upcoming meeting agendas, please visit

In addition to receiving testimony by phone or video conference, the council will accept written testimony. For instructions on submitting written testimony, please visit

