White urges support for Kalakupua playground restoration


For Immediate Release:  March 7, 2014

Press Release by:
Councilmember Mike White, Chair
Budget and Finance Committee

White urges support for Kalakupua playground restoration

WAILUKU, Hawaii – A bill to reallocate funding for repairs to the Kalakupua Playground at Giggle Hill in Haiku will be considered at the Budget and Finance Committee meeting on Tuesday, March 11 at 1:30 p.m., Councilmember Mike White announced today.

The bill proposes a budget amendment appropriating $150,000 for a grant to the Haiku Community Association for the repairs.

“I am proud to be working with a dynamic group of leaders in restoring the Kalakupua Playground,” Councilmember White said. “It is a project that brought the people together, and tells a beautiful story about teamwork and giving back to the community.”

Councilmember White, the Department of Parks and Recreation and the Playground Committee of the Haiku Community Association are spearheading the effort to create a public-private partnership to restore the playground.

The 20,000-square-foot playground built by the community was closed to the public in October 2012 by the Department of Parks and Recreation for safety reasons.

The department estimates the cost for restoring the playground at more than $300,000. The project proposal submitted by the HCA plans to maximize the use of County funds by leveraging donations and support from the community.

Save Kalakupua Playground

A “Save Kalakupua Playground” Facebook page shows photos of playground cleanups and notices of organizational meetings to restore “Haiku’s pride and joy.” The page encourages community volunteers to bring their tools and equipment during scheduled work sessions in hopes that children will get to enjoy the playground again.

White chairs the Budget and Finance Committee and urges support of this bill that will help restore the playground. Testimony may be submitted to bf.committee@mauicounty.us and should reference BF-101.
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