Public input sought for Downtown Kihei, West Maui hospital and Molokai High School land use entitlements

Councilmember Robert Carroll

For immediate release: March 17, 2015

Press release by:
Councilmember Robert Carroll, Chair
Land Use Committee

Public input sought for Downtown Kihei, West Maui hospital and Molokai High School land use entitlements

WAILUKU, Hawaii – The Maui County Council’s Land Use Committee will consider land use entitlements this week for a proposed Downtown Kihei project, West Maui hospital and Molokai High School science facilities, Committee Chair Robert Carroll announced today.

On Wednesday, March 18 at 1:30 p.m., the committee will meet in the Council Chamber to consider a 27-acre Downtown Kihei project along both sides of Piikea Avenue, between South Kihei Road and Liloa Drive.

The project proposed by The Krausz Companies Inc. would include residential and commercial components and a “pedestrian-oriented main street,” Carroll said.

Bike and pedestrian routes within the project would extend to the existing roundabout near Piilani Shopping Center. A movie theater and a four-story hotel are also proposed.

On Thursday, March 19, the committee will hold a site inspection at the new site of the proposed West Maui hospital, meeting at 9 a.m. about 1,500 feet mauka of the intersection of Kakaalaneo Drive and Honoapiilani Highway.

Site inspection area

A meeting will follow at 1:30 p.m. at the West Maui Senior Center.

The project site, consisting of just under 15 acres, is owned by Newport Hospital Corp. The proposed land use entitlements would assist the landowner in developing facilities for acute medical care services, a full-service emergency room, in-patient care and out-patient surgery, and other services. The State issued a Certificate of Need for the hospital in March 2009.

“The immediate development of the West Maui hospital would address critical medical needs, not only for the West Maui community, but also for Lanai and Molokai,” Carroll said.

The committee will also consider a proposal to change land use designations for the former site of the West Maui Hospital to Agricultural. The site had been redesignated from Agricultural to accommodate the proposed hospital in 2009.

The committee is also scheduled to review land use approvals for upgrades for the Molokai High School, including science facilities, on Friday, March 20 at 1:30 p.m.

The Department of Education, which owns the site on Farrington Avenue, seeks to develop a $3.5 million, 4,500-square-foot science building on the campus. The building would include two labs, accommodating up to 32 students at a time, and rooftop solar panels, Carroll said.

Councilmember Robert Carroll

“These projects before the committee offer employment opportunities, as well as education and healthcare improvements,” Carroll said. “But we must consider all potential impacts of the projects before making any decisions and look forward to hearing from the public, particularly neighborhood residents.

“I invite the public to join us at the meetings and testify.”

Agendas are posted on Written testimony may also be emailed to

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