11/14/14: The home business bill via Committee Report 14-145 will be considered for first reading at Nov. 21 council meeting. Review the agenda: http://mauicounty.us/meeting/141121council/
11/13/14: Because of time needed for legal review, the home business bill was not heard for first reading on Oct. 17. Please check http://mauicounty.us/meeting/141121council/ to review the Nov. 21 council meeting.
For immediate release: Oct. 3, 2014
Press release by:
Councilmember Donald G. Couch, Jr.
Chair, Planning Committee
Planning Committee passes home business bill
WAILUKU, Hawaii – The Planning Committee today recommended passage on first reading of a bill to provide general standards and restrictions for home businesses in Maui County, announced Councilmember Donald G. Couch, Jr., who chairs the committee and introduced the bill.
The bill allows home businesses as a permitted use in the apartment, residential and rural zoning districts, subject to certain criteria. Home businesses would also be allowed in the agricultural zoning district with a special use permit.
“This legislation will help regulate an existing industry and will further enhance economic opportunities in this county,” Couch said. “I want to thank the residents, commissions, departments and my colleagues who have contributed in refining the bill since I introduced it three years ago.”
Committee members agreed home business operations must not generate traffic in greater volumes than would normally be expected in the neighborhood where they are located.
Other provisions of the bill include:
- Hours of operation will be limited to between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m.
- Automotive repair and body shops will require a special use permit.
- Only one ground or wall sign (no larger than 2 square feet) will be permitted.
- Granting of a special use permit may result in a change of the real property tax classification.
“The law will minimize impacts home businesses have on neighborhoods,” Couch said. “At the same time, I hope this legislation helps residents build their own success stories and allow them to grow their businesses into multi-million-dollar enterprises in a commercial district.”
The committee held district meetings late last year to receive public input on the measure.
The bill now advances to full Council at its Oct. 17 meeting for first reading. Comments may be emailed to pc.committee@mauicounty.us, referencing PC-33.
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