For Immediate Release: Aug. 6, 2013
Press Release by:
Gladys C. Baisa, Council Chair
Maui County Council now accessible via social media
WAILUKU, Maui, Hawaii – With a Twitter account, a Facebook page and an official blog on the County website, the Maui County Council is now able to communicate with constituents via social media, Council Chair Gladys C. Baisa announced today.
Chair Baisa encouraged the public to access the Council’s Twitter handle via @mauicounty, the Council’s Facebook page at and the Council’s blog at
According to the Social Media Policy issued by Chair Baisa, “Social media use is intended to increase government transparency and efficiency for the purpose of creating better legislation and better constituent services.”
The social media accounts, which are envisioned to provide timely, accurate information about Council business, are managed primarily by the Office of Council Services, which provides central staffing support to the Council members and the Council’s standing committees.
“Maui County’s residents are finding ways to stay connected even though they are busy working and raising families,” Chair Baisa said. “We hope to bring the Council Chamber a little closer to them and make government information a little more accessible through the Council’s social media presence.”
Posts will highlight upcoming agenda items and information on Council and committee meetings. Legislative initiatives and news shared recently include Council Vice-Chair Robert Carroll’s Tree Protection Bill, Councilmember Mike White’s proposed nepotism policy and the installation of Councilmember G. Riki Hokama as First Vice President of the National Association of Counties.
“Entering the world of social media is the fulfillment of a promise we made at the start of this term to make the Council more transparent and responsive,” Chair Baisa said. “But, of course, it’s really just a beginning.”
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