Committee meetings scheduled for the week of Nov. 3 have been rescheduled to the preceding week of Oct. 27 to accommodate the Nov. 4 holiday, Council Chair Gladys Baisa announced today. Nov. 4 is General Election Day and County offices will be closed. The Council meeting scheduled on Friday, Nov. 7 will proceed as planned. […]
The council passed Bill 62 (2014) on first reading, appropriating an additional $5000 to the Office of the Mayor for the Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women grant. Budget and Finance Committee report 14-105 notes the funds will support the following: A Women’s Equality event showcasing a documentary film entitled “Rise of the Wahine,” […]
Following the Mayor’s emergency declaration earlier today, Council Vice-Chair Robert Carroll issued an announcement regarding closures for Council offices. The following Council offices will be closed tomorrow, Aug. 7 starting at noon, and on Friday, Aug. 8: Office of Council Services, including district offices in Hana, Lanai and Molokai. Council member’s offices Office of the […]
For Immediate Release: April 7, 2014 Press release by: Council Chair Gladys C. Baisa Maui County Council Public input sought Tuesday on county rates and fees WAILUKU, Hawaii – The Budget and Finance Committee will consider the proposed Fiscal Year 2015 county rates and fees at its meeting tomorrow, April 8, at 10 a.m., Council […]
Councilmember Michael P. Victorino is expected to chair the Maui County Council meeting on Tuesday, March 11, while Council Chair Gladys C. Baisa recovers from a fracture sustained in a fall Wednesday night, Baisa’s office announced today. Victorino was appointed as the Council’s Presiding Officer Pro Tempore on June 6, 2013. He chaired the Feb. […]
The following statement was issued by Councilmember Michael Victorino shortly after a press conference held at the Office of the Mayor: I would like to extend my most heartfelt sympathies to the families of the two Planning Department staff who passed away in the recent plane crash on Lanai. Mahalo to their families who supported […]
The County Council celebrated Chinese New Year with a Lion Dance at the Friday, February 7, 2014, Council meeting. Members and staff fed the lion for good luck and enjoyed Master Ben Seng Au and the Shaolin Arts Academy. “Kung Hee Fat Choy! Whitney and I wish everyone a great Year of the Horse, filled […]
On Wednesday, County Auditor Lance Taguchi transmitted a letter to members of the County Council with his plan of audits proposed to be conducted for the remaining six months of Fiscal Year (FY) 2014. The plan contains Charter mandated projects, including overseeing the independent annual financial audit of the County of Maui for FY 2013 […]
On Thursday, January 9, 2014, Councilmember White offered a statement regarding the Little Fire Ant. “I have been tracking news reports on the little fire ant and obtaining information through the Maui Invasive Species Council and Department of Agriculture. As a County Council member and manager of a hotel, protecting the health and safety […]