Legislative Tracking
Submitted testimony:
- 4/3/16: HB2049 HD2, SD1, Relating to transportation: OPPOSE
- Authorizes the State or a county to obtain ownership over a road by condemnation pursuant to the State’s powers of eminent domain.
- 3/31/2015: SB2987 SD2, HD1 Relating to the transient accommodations tax: OPPOSE
- 3/31/2016: SB 2372, SD3, HD 1 Relating to private roads: OPPOSE
- The purpose of this measure is to address questions regarding responsibility for the repair and maintenance of privately owned highways.
- 3/23/2016: SB3072 SD2 Relating to an airport authority: SUPPORT
- Authorizes the governor to establish the Hawaii airport authority. Sets out appointment of members to the board of directors of the Hawaii airport authority. Sets out powers and duties of the Hawaii airport authority. Transfers the aeronautics functions of DOT to the Hawaii airport authority upon executive order of the governor. Effective 7/1/2076. (SD2)
- 3/22/2016: SB 2250 Relating to counties: SUPPORT
- The purpose of this bill is to allow counties the ability to make short-term investments with similar authority as the State Director of Finance.
- 3/15/2016: SB 2987 SD 2 Relating to TAT: OPPOSE
- HSAC President’s testimony
- The purpose of this measure is to cap the annual allocation of Transient Accommodations Tax revenue to the counties.
- 3/15/2016: SB 83 SD 1 Relating to appropriations: OPPOSE
- The purpose of this measure is to make a $3 million appropriation from the Tourism Special Fund for travel expenses and subsidies incurred by the intercollegiate athletics program of the University of Hawaii.
- 2/29/2016: SB 2083 Relating to the statewide traffic code: SUPPORT
- The purpose of this measure is to prohibit smoking in a motor vehicle when a minor is present.
- 2/27/16: SB 2987 SD 1 Relating to transient accommodations tax: OPPOSE
- HSAC President’s testimony
- Makes permanent the annual $103,000,000 allocation of transient accommodations tax revenues to the counties. Requires the establishment of a state-county functions working group in 2022 to recommend the allocation of transient accommodations tax revenues between the State and counties based upon the division of duties and responsibilities for the provision of public services. Effective 6/22/2026. (SD1)
- 2/24/16: SB 2123 SD 1 Relating to zoning – SUPPORT
- HSAC President’s testimony
- Clarifies county zoning authority by distinguishing single-family residential use from single-family vacation rental use and allowing amortization by ordinance for single-family transient vacation rentals over a reasonable period. Effective July 1, 2050. (SD1)
- 2/16/16: HB 1792 Relating to aquatic resources – SUPPORT (Councilmember Robert Carroll)
- Makes it unlawful for a person to sell aquatic life acquired through spearfishing.
- 2/12/16: SB 2987 Relating to the transient accommodations tax – OPPOSE
- Makes permanent the annual $103,000,000 allocation of transient accommodations tax revenues to the counties. Requires the establishment of a state-county functions working group in 2022 to recommend the allocation of transient accommodation tax revenues between the State and counties based upon the division of duties and responsibilities for the provision of public services.
- 2/10/16: SB 2693 Relating to taxation – SUPPORT
- Allows transient accommodations brokers to register as tax collection agents to collect and remit general excise and transient accommodations taxes on behalf of operators and plan managers using their services.
- 2/3/16: HB 1554 Relating to transient accommodations tax – OFFERING COMMENTS
- The purpose of this measure is to allocate to the counties 45 percent of the remaining transient accommodations tax revenues after adjustments to the Tourism Special Fund, as recommended by the State-County Functions Working Group.
- 1/26/16: HB 369 Relating to open government – OPPOSE
- The purpose of this measure is to amend certain policies regarding the facilitation of public participation and input.
- “This measure imprudently burdens State agencies and the counties with unfunded mandates.”
The Maui County Council’s Legislative Team will monitor the following prioritized measures by Council Chair Mike White:
- Legislation related to counties’ taxing authority, the distribution of tax revenue to Maui County, and other tax policy that may impact the County specifically or the counties generally;
- Legislation relating to the Sunshine Law and the Uniform Information Practices Act;
- Legislation that will have a direct impact on County operations or create a significant obligation for the County;
- Legislation relating to counties’ authority (i.e., home rule); and
- Maui County capital improvement projects.
Testimonies in 2015 relating to transient accommodations tax
- HB 197 Relating to the Transient Accommodations TaxHD 1: 2/17/15: Support, Support (HSAC Treasurer Michael P. Victorino), 2/25/15: Support
- HB 403 Relating to the Transient Accommodations Tax: 2/17/15: Oppose
- HB 373 Relating to the Transient Accommodations Tax: 2/17/15: Support
- SB 408 Relating to the Transient Accommodations Tax: 2/15/15: Support
- SB 534 Relating to the Transient Accommodations Tax: 2/17/15: Oppose
- HB 833 Relating to Taxation: 2/17/15: Oppose
- HB 134, HD 1, SB 2 Relating to Taxation: 4/22/15: Letter to Rep. Sylvia Luke, 4/22/15: Letter to Sen. Jill Tokuda
TAT resources:
- Oct. 6, 2015: Testimony from Maui County Council Chair Mike White to the State-County Functions Working Group (TAT)
- Council Chair Mike White’s presentation relating to TAT: MauiCounty.us/TAT
- Dec. 30, 2015, Civil Beat: Should Counties Get Bigger Share Of Hotel Tax Revenue?
Maui County Council Legislative Package
The 2016 Maui County Council Legislative Package is composed of four state bills.
- A bill for an act relating to smoking in vehicles with minors
- A bill for an act allowing individuals to indicate disabilities on their identification cards
- A bill for an act to prohibit the sale of marine life secured by a spear
- A bill for an act authorizing counties’ liquor commissions to fund alcohol abuse treatment and education
Hawaii State Association of Counties Legislative Package
The Hawaii State Association of Counties is also considering a separate legislative package. Bills from the 2015 session are also still considered “alive” and are listed below.
2015 bills
- HB194, SB405 Abuse of Family or Household Member; Period of Separation
- HB195, SB406 Hawaii Health Systems Corporation; Primary Care Training Program; Hilo Medical Center
- HB196, SB407 Rules of Evidence; Nonresident Property Crime Victims; Video Testimony by Witnesses
- HB197 HD2, SB408 Transient Accommodations Tax; Counties
- HB198, SB409 SD1 Zoning; Single-Family Transient Vacation Rentals
See complete list and status here.
2016 bills
- A bill for an act relating to counties’ short-term investments
- A bill for an act relating to public agency meetings and records
- A bill for an act relating identification cards for persons with disabilities
- A bill for an act relating to zoning
- A bill for an act relating to tort liability
- A bill for an act relating to mopeds
- A resolution requesting the Hawaii State Legislature urge Hawaii’s congressional delegation to propose and pass and amendment clarifying that corporations are not people with constitutional rights, and that unlimited campaign spending is not free speech.
Dec. 23, 2015: Public Access Room’s 2016 Session Calendar