Grants available for community cleanups in West Maui

For Immediate Release:  November 1, 2022

Press Release by:
Tamara Paltin, Councilmember
Maui County Council

Grants available for community cleanups in West Maui

LĀHAINĀ, Hawaiʻi—Councilmember Tamara Paltin announced Tuesday that the mayor’s Office of Economic Development is accepting proposals to plan West Maui community cleanups with $30,000 in grant funds that were appropriated in the 2023 fiscal year budget for the region.

Paltin said eligible applicants include businesses and nonprofit organizations.
“This grant money was set aside as part of the West Maui Economic Development, Environmental and Cultural Programs fund because I know there are many in our Westside community eager to host clean-up events,” Paltin said. “The price of roll-off dumpsters, tire disposal and other supplies needed for these events add up, so this is a great opportunity to get those costs covered through a county grant.”
Grants are based on eligibility of funds, and applications will take at least four weeks to process. The application form and more information are available online:
For more information, please contact the Office of Economic Development at (808) 270-7710 or the Office of Council Services at (808) 270-8008.
