The Infrastructure and Environmental Management Committee will meet on Monday at 1:30 p.m. to receive a presentation from the Department of Environmental Management on current initiatives in wastewater reclamation and solid waste management.
The Committee will also receive a presentation from Dr. Allen Hershkowitz, Senior Scientist at the Natural Resources Defense Council, relating to Maui County’s Integrated Waste Conversion Project.
Dr. Hershkowitz is an internationally known expert on solid waste management policies, programs and technologies. His work includes helping implement President Bill Clinton’s “Greening the Government” executive order in 1993 and serving on the DuPont Corporation’s Bio-Based Fuel Life Cycle Assessment Advisory Board.
Dr. Hershkowitz’s full bio is available here:
The public has an opportunity to submit testimony about the proposed Integrated Waste Conversion Project via email to, in person at the Council Chamber and at our district offices in Hana, Lanai and Molokai. A copy of the agenda with instructions is available HERE.
The University of Hawaii Maui College Sustainable Living Institute of Maui will also sponsor a related public presentation by Dr. Hershkowitz and Arun Sharma, President of Anaergia Services, Inc., on Tuesday, Oct. 22 at Ike Le`a Science Building Auditorium at the UHMC Campus.
Anaergia Services, Inc. submitted the winning proposal, as determined by the Department of Environmental Management, to implement the Integrated Waste Conversion Project.
I would like to thank Maui Recycling Group for coordinating Dr. Hershkowitz’s visit.
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