Rent stabilization by itself is not a solution

Tasha Kama

For Immediate Release:

Press Release by:
Tasha Kama, Presiding Officer Pro Tempore
Maui County Council

Rent stabilization by itself is not a solution

KAHULUI, Hawai‘i (Sept. 27, 2024)—Councilmember Tasha Kama, Kahului residency seat holder and Housing and Land Use Committee chair, stated at the Sept. 25 reconvened committee meeting that she was not planning to introduce rent-stabilization legislation.

She said today her decision is based on careful consideration of all the potential effects of such legislation. Many may not realize that most of the housing that exists on Maui is the result of private investment, including the affordable-housing stock, Kama said.

Without that investment, the county would not have that housing, she said. One clear effect of rent stabilization or control is the loss of future investment and therefore the loss of future attainable housing, said Kama, who serves as the council’s presiding officer pro tempore

“I was moved by the many testifiers who came to share their personal stories to the HLU Committee on Sept. 16,” Kama said. “Their passion was not lost on me. However, I believe we need to have deep consideration to help find a win-win solution to this issue.

“I have had discussions with Richard Mitchell, our new housing director. We have concluded that a more comprehensive approach to the entire issue of attainable housing is needed.

“I am looking forward to our upcoming discussions in the Housing and Land Use Committee about a cooperative approach with the mayor’s administration to address our housing needs. I believe those discussions will be much more fruitful than trying to establish another level of regulation that is likely to result in less housing available for those who need it.”

The next HLU Committee is set for Oct. 9 at 9 a.m. The meeting will be held in the Council Chamber and online using Microsoft Teams.

Information regarding upcoming council and committee meetings, including instructions on how to provide testimony, can be found at

For more information, contact Kama’s office at (808) 270-5501.

