Election preparations to affect council’s meeting locations

For Immediate Release:

Press Release by:
Alice L. Lee, Chair
Maui County Council

Election preparations to affect council’s meeting locations

WAILUKU, Hawaiʻi (Oct. 10, 2024)—Maui County Council Chair Alice L. Lee announced today that the 8th floor of the Kalana O Maui building, including the Council Chamber, will be closed to the public for the 2024 general election from Oct. 18 through late next month.

Lee said Office of the County Clerk staff is charged with securing the integrity of the general-election ballots and conducting volunteer testing of Hart InterCivic machines—a centralized poll-management system tasked with minimizing opportunities for human error.

“We encourage the public to vote and thank the Office of the County Clerk for their diligence in making this an efficient and secure election process for Maui County voters,” said Lee, who holds the seat for the Wailuku-Waiheʻe-Waikapū residency area. “The council will be continuing our legislative duties in alternative public locations, with opportunities to participate in person, via video or via telephone.”

For more information on the Nov. 5 general election, visit mauicountyvotes.com.

To view meeting schedules, locations and agendas, visit mauicounty.us/agendas. For more information, visit mauicounty.us or call the Office of Council Services at (808) 270-7664.

