Welcome to the Maui County Council's website

Welina mai me ke aloha! Eia nō ke kaha pūnaewele o Ka ʻAha Kalana o Maui Nui, ʻoia hoʻi ʻo Lānaʻi, ʻo Maui, a me Molokai.
Welcome! Here is the website of the County Council of Maui Nui, which includes Lānaʻi, Maui, and Molokai.

Old Haleakala Highway
HONOLULU– Gov. Neil Abercrombie announced Thursday the release of $3.09 million in Capital Improvement Grants, $998,000 of which is allocated for Old Haleakala Highway Sidewalk Project. The State funding matches previously appropriated County funding and allows the project to proceed. Upcountry residents have voiced safety concerns over the years for King Kekaulike High School students […]
The Maui County Council will have its regular meeting on Thursday, July 25 at 9 a.m. Three years ago, citing the dangers of distracted driving, the Council enacted an ordinance to ban operating a motor vehicle while using a mobile electronic device. The three other Hawaii counties have similar ordinances. On May 20, Gov. Abercrombie […]
Councilmember Stacy Crivello’s opening remarks at the June 6 Council Meeting:   I’m starting my 6th month as a freshman council member. I am often asked by my constituents: “How’s it going on the county council?” “Is it what I expected?” “What’s it like working with your council colleagues?” “How’s your staff?” My usual reply […]
Old Wailuku Post Office
At the Friday, July 5, 2013 Council Meeting, Councilmember White offered the following statement on the Policy and Intergovernmental Affairs Committee Report No. 13-78. The measure recommend adoption of a resolution authorizing the Policy and Intergovernmental Affairs Committee to conduct a formal investigation of the Department of Management; Department of Finance; Budget Office, Office of […]
Old Wailuku Post Office
WAILUKU, Maui, Hawaii – By a 5-3 vote, the Maui County Council today adopted Resolution 13-83, authorizing its Policy and Intergovernmental Affairs Committee to investigate the possible misuse of County funds relating to the demolition earlier this year of the Old Wailuku Post Office. County Corporation Counsel Patrick Wong had stated that he can’t provide legal […]
Old Wailuku Post Office
Background: The Old Wailuku Post Office property is located at the corner of Wells and High Streets in Downtown Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii. The County Building, at 200 S. High St., is on the opposite side of Wells Street. The Old Wailuku Post Office was constructed in 1959 and demolished early in 2013. The property is […]
Lipoa Point
Wailea, Maui, Hawaii – Gov. Neil Abercrombie signed House Bill 1424 on the acquisition of Lipoa Point into law as Act 241 (2013) today. A ceremonial signing of the bill was held at the Grand Wailea Resort Hotel and Spa. The Governor was accompanied by Maui County and State officials. “We look out for one […]
Lance Taguchi
In a unanimous vote, the Maui County Council appointed Lance Taguchi of Wailuku as County Auditor, Council Chair Gladys C. Baisa announced today. Resolution 13-73, adopted 9-0, states that Taguchi will take office on July 1, 2013, or as soon thereafter as is practicable. Taguchi is expected to lay the policy and operational groundwork for […]