Councilmember Stacy Crivello delivered opening remarks at the Nov. 15 Council meeting.
Traditionally, Thanksgiving Day in November is a day set aside to celebrate with family and friends to remember the things we are thankful for.
Daily, we encounter many opportunities to say “thank you”, “mahalo”, “salamat”, or “arigato”. Every time we take a moment to inventory our days, we reflect on the gifts we receive. It is important that we don’t take things for granted and we should be mindful to always express appreciation.
Last month, Maui County, Hawaii Nei and the nation shared congratulations to Mike and Joycelyn Victorino because of their son, Shane Victorino’s astounding athletic feat on his recent major league baseball World Series win with the Boston Red Sox. Mike and Jocelyn responded with humble gratitude for everyone’s support and by giving thanks to their higher being. Thank you.
R-A-I-N! Spells RELIEF.
Many are thankful that some of our drier districts were flourished with “Living Waters” during the past days of rainfall. Places that many take for granted were refreshed with the rains welcoming green foliage. Thank you.
On my walks to the Maui County Building, I marvel at the Iao Needle hidden behind clouds with mist kissing the ridges over the flowing waters of Iao stream. The deep valley stages the Needle, surrounded by the walls of Puu Kukui Crater’s greenery. We are surrounded with beautiful images of nature. Thank you.
We are grateful to be part of a core of public servants – “The service we render others is the rent we pay for our room on earth.” We are thankful. As council members, we couldn’t do our work alone. We should be mindful of the support we receive from our Executive Assistants and support staff. Thank you.
Natural disasters like the massive typhoon that struck the Philippines can devastate entire communities and sometimes shake our faith. We are privileged and CAN be part of the first wave of response for relief to support providers for the victim’s critical needs. Let’s be thankful we are able to share with compassion. Thank you.
“Thank you,” are simple words from our hearts to lift others, because we sincerely appreciate.
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